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Debbie Jayne


From Wrecked2WARRIOR 


“Happiness isn't about satisfying what you're without, but instead about fulfilling who you are within."   -DebbieJayne, CPC


FromWrecked2WARRIOR empowers those battling depression in becoming the WARRIORS they’ve been in search of.


Through my personal experience, trauma, and recovery, my purpose is to facilitate a safe space where a prescription is not on the agenda. Instead the focus is on an individuals’ empowerment and autonomy. 


FromWrecked2WARRIOR  aims to spread the wealth of health and integrative wellness by creating a training course certifying skillful peer transformation coaches.


FromWrecked2WARRIOR  teaches integrative health and wellness for the sake of self-compassion and self-sustainability through mindfulness, integrity, and respect.


Do it like a WARRIORwith Intention, Direction, and Follow-Through.










Welcome my breath.

Accept the silence.

Reflect on who I am.

Recognize what I need

Implement mindful change.

Own my shit with gratitude.

Resource what I've got.

My Practice

mental, physical & energetic

Transpersonal Coaching
Depression & Anxiety Management
Compassion Fatigue Coaching

Adulting & Wellness Workshops
Sensory Reconnecting Workshops
Therapeutic Art & Music Therapy

Metaphysical & Spiritual Guidance
Ho'oponopono & Prayer Treatments

Guided Meditations & Affirmations


My Heart

My Energy

Although May is recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month, one should give attention to their mental health and well-being every month of every year. When life gets too tough to manage or complications pile up too high, you may start considering paths not meant for you.


Desperation has a tendency to lead to bad decisions, because the tunnel vision of the stress makes it impossible to see the other paths around you. I know this darkness very intimately so I share the following to let others who have also struggled with suicide, know that there is so much more than what you’re currently experiencing. Please don’t give up hope.


I personally struggled with suicidal ideations and near-attempts for over 20 years, which stemmed from of a variety of traumas, health issues, and life’s complications. I am beyond joyful to be on this side of healing, and immensely grateful for not to having done something of permanence based on something that was, in fact, temporary.


After years of intensive therapy, I found myself blurting out something that I had Never conceptualized in my entire life. I was floored as I heard the words uttered. "I don't need to be understood, anymore," I professed. I mean, yes for better communication, but not for my internal sense of well-being or for validation’s sake.

“I am enough," I thought to myself.

I finally reached that point of knowing that I'm so much more than enough, when once I felt as if I’d always be too much and never enough- at the same time.


These days, my reality is filled with constant wonder and magic. This has allowed me to reflect honestly on all the darkness and the pain that I’ve endured, as a beautiful part of my story- because It Didn’t End There. Because, I didn’t end there- even though there were many times I thought I should.


I felt justified in what I wanted to do. I thought others would understand wanting me to end the physical pain of health complications and the unbearable agony of never feeling good enough- good enough to be happy, to have a fulfilling life, to have a community and people that loved me for just being me.


How could anyone put up with that special blend of “me” that I had come to be -off the wall, expressive and beyond sensitive, and sometimes explosive? But the moment these words came out of my mouth, I recognized that I had finally arrived at a point where I was thankful to be me. I had absolutely no desire to be anyone else and don’t think I ever will again.

It’s on this side of healing that I know that my story is worth telling, worth sharing, but most importantly worth having lived through, so that I could continue reconfiguring it how it should've been all along. I have so many more stories now-- of joy, of love, of connection, of miracles and magic…and they’ve all been made possible because I also had faith.


I refused to let go. I refused to let the fire in me become extinguished. And I refused to let my story end.


Life is truly a miraculous occasion. It’s here and then it’s gone.  Not everyone gets an equal shot or gets put on an equal playing field, whether by external or internal resources. We can’t possibly know what’s to come, until we’ve let it arrive, but we owe it to ourselves- our eternal selves, to see things through, to discover our inner depths, and to untangle our lives from what we’ve gotten ourselves all wrapped up in- regardless if by circumstance or otherwise.


Today, I no longer worry about “the shoe dropping.” I don’t walk on eggshells, nor do I have others walking on eggshells for being around me. I wake up happy to be taking another breath and I find as many opportunities to dance in a day, as I can.


I’ve overcome so much more than I ever thought I’d be able to, because I learned to use the tools I already had. I picked up new ones. I learned to be kinder to myself, and I learned to rely on the amazing people who love me. These are the reasons that I’ve continued to succeed and to thrive. Thank you all for adding to the blessings of my life and for unconditionally loving me as I am.

If you’re having trouble, PLEASE don’t cut your life short because you feel you’ve run out of options. Find someone you trust to talk to. Get connected to resources that assist, like Join a support group (virtually/in-person), or dial 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. You can also message me for more information on resources, or for further support.


Again, thank you.

Thank you for being a part my story and for just being you.


In case no one told you, You Are Enough.

Beach Bonfire

Debbie Jayne's credentials include having been Certified as a Professional Life Coach through Texas State University and the International Association of Professional Recovery Coaches.

Most recently, she received Joe Vitale and Dr Hew Len's Advanced Ho'oponopono Practitioner Certification, and has also been a Presenter for NAMI Central Texas’ In Our Own Voice, as well as having completed the NAMI Peer-to-Peer Leadership Training.  


In addition, Debbie holds Certifications for: Mental Health First Aid through Integral Care, the Core Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Survivor Advocate Program through SAFE Alliance and the Texas Attorney General's office, the Isabel Sexual Maltreatment Response Program, and has also completed the Mental Health Peer Support Specialist Certification Training through Texas Alliance of Peer Professionals.

Additionally, Debbie Jayne coaches privately and both in public & business group settings. She creates educational and coaching workshops specific to the client's preferred focus and values.

RGV & Austin, TX,  USA

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