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“Happiness isn't about satisfying what you're without, but instead about fulfilling who you are within."   -DebbieJayne, CPC


FromWrecked2WARRIOR empowers those battling depression in becoming the WARRIORS they’ve been in search of.


Through my personal experience, trauma, and recovery, my purpose is to facilitate a safe space where a prescription is not on the agenda. Instead the focus is on an individuals’ empowerment and autonomy. 


FromWrecked2WARRIOR aims to spread the wealth of health and integrative wellness by creating a training course certifying skillful peer transformation coaches.


FromWrecked2WARRIOR teaches integrative health and wellness for the sake of self-compassion and self-sustainability through mindfulness, integrity, and respect.


Do it like a WARRIOR with Intention, Direction, and Follow-Through.










Welcome my breath.

Attune to silence.

Reflect on who I am.

Recognize what I need

Implement mindful change.

Observe with gratitude.

Resource my connections.


My Heart

My Message to You

My Mind

My Experience

“I have not come this far, to only come this far.” (Unknown)

And having come this far-- Giving up now just isn’t an option.

I’m one who's always operated from the fire deep within, sometimes feeling as if would consume me. I spent decades burning everything to the ground and being a victim, stewing in my anger and building resentment.

It took years of dedication to help me out of that state of being. Mindfulness and intentional effort were necessary to learn how to dial my fire back, so that it could warm and comfort, instead. 

It took me a long time to see that my fire wasn’t just a curse, but also a blessing. I’d learn to use the anger and rage as fuel to propel me forward. This fire has forever kept me from giving up, and also the space where my creativity and magic come from. 



I think we all have magic within us. It’s there- waiting for us to figure out how we’ll use it to navigate through this insanely chaotic world. Personally, it was through that intense journey of healing that I came to a theory that those who've experienced the most darkness have the potential for the brightest light. I feel that I am a testament to this and that the life I now am able to live is proof of this statement.

You see, I had a bit of a rough start. Having survived daily childhood trauma of the psychological & emotional variety, I had assistance in moving out of my family home at the age of 15. I would bounce back and forth from two familiar places, but had to start fending for myself, while working a few part-time jobs and maintaining my grades in school.

The constant struggle contributed to my low self-esteem and sense of self-worth, and I’d find myself with Major Depression Disorder. This coincided with suicidal ideations that would span across multiple decades, unfortunately going undiagnosed until my early 20s.

During those years, there were accompanying diagnoses of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Fibromyalgia, and ADHD and all the added symptoms that followed. The heaviness, physical pain, and emotional distress pushed me towards becoming quite reclusive outside of my self-destructive tendencies. I’d use them to mask any healthy attempt to be social.

I’d see one counselor after another, but venting was never enough. And they all seemed to recommend medication with side effects so severe that 10 years after weening off of them, I’m still experiencing side-effects. I never understood why they thought medication could help real life problems. My brain didn’t need added chemical disruptions. It needed a healthier environment- both internal and external, and no one appeared to understand how to cater to that basic need.

No one bothered to communicate the significance of having a more organized life and consistency with positive habits and how it could change the stability of my foundation, my ability to cope with said chaos, or even my perspective when managing the craziness that was my life.

The medication just made me feel worse. It was so much worse than if I had never taken them. Scariest of all- it did the one thing I needed it to help me with. It increased my suicidal desires. Something in me knew that I needed help outside of what I was getting, And though I was always proactively seeking it, I wouldn’t get what I really needed until I started making it happen for myself.

I wanted to learn how to manage my stress and anxiety better. I also needed to learn how to deal with my depression and needed guidance with learning how to cope when things became overwhelming. At one point, I’d gotten to such a low place that even financially, that I could no longer afford suitable mental healthcare.

I had become so full of anger and resentment from not having been prepared. I mean- I was a good kid. I studied in school. I got good grades. I was always one of the top sales reps at work. I hustled hard in every way I knew how. But no one had ever prepared me with the tools I needed to actually live a successful life while hauling around all my struggle and trauma.

I supposed no one considered that such a smart and capable person could come tumbling down as hard as I did. But it all came at a price. A very high price. It would cost me another decade of my life. Time is a commodity after all, one that cannot be traded or bartered with.

Here I was, a young adult having just recently graduated at the top of her high school class, having her whole life blow up. I had just failed out of my junior year in college, lost my job, the medical insurance that came with it, and felt deserted by people I thought were friends and seemingly abandoned by what remained of my family. To say that I had my guard up is an understatement. The walls I built were thickly lined with barbed wired and broken glass.

Having once been arrogant enough to think I was more capable than most, I was now feeling both guilty and defeated for being so broken. I had become increasingly frustrated with where I was in life and would hit my rock bottom not too long after.

A big part of me knew that I had come to a crossroads. I would either destroy myself, assured of dying in the process or have to figure out a way to heal myself.

Depression and self-destructive mentalities of my past had stolen almost three decades of my life, and I absolutely refused to let it take any more without a fight. I did tragically suffer a violent assault a few years later and not too long after would become immunocompromised from a list of medical complications that arose after a regrettable surgery.

Despite several new diagnoses surrounding my heart, brain and gut (to include but not be limited to: Meniere’s Disease, PTSD, nonepileptic seizures presenting as an overactive nervous system), I absorbed as much knowledge as I could, got myself back into studying, and started putting much of my attention and energy into becoming the best version of myself.


Having previously completed three years towards a BA in Psychology, I decided to take my education into my own hands and read one book after the next, following the modalities I was learning. I learned about self-control, minimizing self-harm through awareness and gratitude, the importance of boundaries, vital tips in communication, studied body language and micro expressions, and discovered the parts of me I never had access to before.

I eventually developed coping strategies to wean myself off the harsh and dangerous chemicals they wanted me to call medicine. I got a handle on how to control addictive tendencies, adopted better health habits, found peace through self-awareness practices, and obtained control through organization, therapeutic recreation, and through my spiritual practices.


Gradually I began reprogramming and reconditioning my behaviors, my thoughts, and my responses; and continued to follow-up my education with various trainings and certifications to further my understanding of others' experiences while expanding of wealth of knowledge.

When I began intentionally putting this together, I could never have imagined that it would lead me towards my purpose. With my previous educational background, my personal experiences, and my desire to help others, I became invested in creating FromWrecked2WARRIOR to help others in a way I wished someone could’ve helped me.

FromWrecked2WARRIOR is so much more than a simple program. Personally, it’s become my lifestyle. I give much credit to this work for repeatedly saving my life, helping me heal my body, and for allowing my spirit to better connect (with everything).

Guiding others towards their happiness has always been its own motivation for me. It’s not about agonizing over what might happen later, but instead about figuring out which steps are worth taking now. And let us not forget that “It is easier to see light in darkness.” It is where I learned to rediscover my light after learning sustainable life-management strategies, creating systems to combat my hard-headedness, and in learning how to be more compassionate and patient with myself.

Now, I want to help you brighten your light, helping you become a happier and more successful you. Together, we can tailor a stress-reduction plan for your mental health and physical wellness through structure, mindfulness of nutrition, and alternative health solutions in order to nurture and balance your mind, body, and spirit.

Don’t let Depression or Anxiety steal any more of your life. Reach out now to get started on Your WARRIOR-Synthesis.

Peace, Love, and Light, 
Debbie Jayne

Debbie Jayne's credentials include having been Certified as a Professional Life Coach through Texas State University and the International Association of Professional Recovery Coaches, and Mental Health Peer Support Specialist Certification Training through Texas Alliance of Peer Professionals. She is also currently working towards Joe Vitale and Dr Hew Len's Ho'oponopono Certification.


Debbie has also completed the NAMI Peer-to-Peer Leadership Training and In Our Own Voice Presenter through NAMI Central Texas, Mental Health First Aid USA  Certification through Integral Care, the 40 hr SAFE Alliance Core Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Survivor Advocate Program through Texas Attorney General's office, and the Isabel Sexual Maltreatment Response Certification Program.


Additionally, Debbie Jayne coaches privately and both in public and business group settings. She creates educational and coaching programs specific to the client's preferred focus.

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